Monday, March 31, 2014


Democratization is basically the idea that through mass media anyone is able to become a famous artist. Moby stated it really well by saying, "There were professional artists and now everybody's a photographer, everybody's a filmmaker, everybody's a writer, everybody's a musician," (PressPausePlay). I agree with this statement and I think it is good to have democratization. Nowadays anybody can become famous if they buy the technology to make music, movies, etc. The technology is much easier to afford these days, so anyone can buy them and become famous. Another lady says that, "And suddenly I understood, like, this is a different world and it's possible for anybody to make a movie now," (PressPausePlay). There are many benefits and negatives to this, however I think the benefits out weigh the negatives. The main benefit is obvious; that anyone can become a professional filmmaker, musician, artist, etc. which helps people to accomplish something they may want to pursue. The main negative is that the industry of professional creatives could die.

Although technology is more accessible to the public now, you still need a large amount of money to buy the high end equipment that the professionals use. Much of the technology that everyone in the film said it 'accessible by the public' is actually incredibly and expensive and is definitely difficult to understand. Someone that wants to use high end cameras would most likely have to go to school to learn how to use the equipment and would still need to be able to afford the equipment before they could use it for their own personal use. Not many people even become famous, only a few of their friends know about them, but they will never perform in front of large audiences or been seen by a huge number of people because it is still difficult to get famous. Amy Phillips from Pitchfork describes, "Should everyone be able to be a successful musician... have a fan base, have people buying their music, make their living from music? No, absolutely not. There are talented people, there are not talented people," (PressPausePlay). I agree that not everybody is talented, so it is still difficult to get famous. Democratization allows people the opportunity to get famous, however talent will actually allow people to become famous. Adam Watson talks about how you have to know the equipment in order to become famous. "If you can get work without going to film school, I mean great, more power to you. The Oscar winners, or nominees, look at the 10 of them and see how many didn't go to film school," (PressPausePlay). In general, I think democratization is good because it gives everyone at least a chance to become famous as a creative if they have the talent.

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