Monday, February 17, 2014

Reflection 18

Monday, we continued to discuss the quotes that we had written down for "Ceremony". We moved onto part two of the quotes and had the other groups read their quotes to the class that had not gone up to that point. My group asked a question about the reading and it was very helpful to hear the answer because otherwise I would have never known unless we had time to discuss. One of the quotes in the novel talks about how Tayo saw a woman walk away from under the bridge crying with a rag that was covered in blood. She buried the rag in sand and every time Tayo saw the mound of sand he got PTSD from seeing the lady. I was confused about what was in the rag. I thought maybe she had been cutting herself. I found out that there were many abortions in that time that women gave themselves. It surprised me to hear that detail, but the novel is only telling the truth. If it had just been the woman cutting herself then I wouldn't have marked the quote as PTSD because Tayo didn't physically see her cut herself. But now that I know it was a baby, the quote obviously gives an insight as to why Tayo has PTSD and freaked out every time he saw that mound of dirt.

Tuesday we continued with more quotes from part two because we never finished on Monday. It was informative to hear what other people had to say about the reading and the quotes that they shared. Thursday the class finished up discussing quotes from part three. Every group shared quotes from this section of the reading. It was the longest section so we all provided quotes and examined them in depth. Finally, on Friday there was no school. It's difficult to write a long blog post over this week because we simply discussed the novel all week and I have nothing else I can add or feel the need to reflect on.

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